Monday 26 January 2015

This is the Secret Benefits Of Some Meat Animals

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This is the Secret Benefits Of Some Meat Animals

1. Meat rabbits - Take the head and cook. He can cure malaria fever. If the flesh is burned and eaten, it can smooth urination, and can reduce abdominal fat.

2. Meat Birds Ruak - As if eaten by sportsmen and people who work hard who needs a lot of oxygen in the body.

3. Camel Meat - Can heal tired or semput disease or asthma.

Camel Meat Raw

4. Meat Birds Pigeons - Can treat diseases mushy, numb disease, and the disease paralyzed.

5. Meat Rice Grasshopper - If cooked by steaming, can cure constipation urine. Can also treat disease crackle or hemorrhoids. If that is not eaten by burning winged grasshopper, may be able to eliminate the scorpion venom.

Benefits of Honey for Health

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Benefits of Honey for Health

Believe it or not, the health benefits of honey for many. In fact, because of the many benefits contained in the honey, it is very difficult to describe the benefits one by one. Nevertheless, there are still a few people who have the opinion that the health benefits of honey for still doubt his greatness. In fact, this assumption is not quite right. Therefore, if the use is honey, honey's many health benefits are innumerable and no doubt.

Below are a few examples of the many health benefits of honey for the unquestioning virulence. With honey note is genuine.

1. Beneficial to treat constipation
2. Efficacious to treat heart problems
3. As an energy enhancer
4. Maintaining overall body health
5. Able to prevent infection if there are cuts
6. Treat respiratory disturbance
7. Stabilize blood pressure, be it high or low
8. Treating allergic diseases
9. mengilangkan symptoms and asthma
10. And there are many more benefits to our health honey.

Those are some health benefits of honey for those who are still hesitant. As for other drugs, please surf on this blog at will, for a variety of traditional medicine has been presented here. Good morning and enjoy your activities.

10 Types of Medicinal Plants and Benefits

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10 Types of Medicinal Plants and Benefits

Medicinal Plants or what we call the herb so many kinds and benefits, is able to treat diseases ranging from mild grade disease to disease and even heavyweight. In addition it also has a lot of medicinal plants tested potent than drugs - drugs that mixed chemicals. Then it's just him some herbs that you can use as an alternative treatment at home.


1. Celery (Apium Graviolens)

How to Treat Gout Naturally

Maybe plant this one is not familiar to us, in addition to good use as a flavoring turns celery also serves as a natural remedy because it is rich in calcium, phosphorus etc.
Examples of celery can be used as a medicine for uric acid. The trick Simply boiled some celery seeds to a glass of boiled water and drink every morning.

2. Blustru (Luffa Aegyptica Mill)

How to Treat Asthma Naturally with Blustru

Blustru or commonly called Sweet Cassava (In Sunda called Field Oyom or in Palembang called Hurung Java) is a medicinal plant that has been given for generations. But now rarely used even most people do not know how to form the Blustru plants. Blustru can be used as medicine for asthma, washing trick telebih first leaves of young blustru save over hot cooked rice (can be stored above when cooking rice) and eat as lalaban every day.

3. Pasak Bumi or Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack)

How to Treat Premature Ejaculation
Tongkat Ali

This plant grows in Indonesian Borneo area. Tongkat ali can help improve testosterone levels in men and increase sexual desire in men. It is also capable of being Drugs Premature Ejaculation. Many herbal shops selling this earth pegs are usually in the form of tea, coffee, dried shaped etc.

4. Noni (Morinda citrifolia)

Natural Ways to Treat Coronary heart
Noni has a different name - different in each region in the Sunda called Cangkudu example, in Aceh called Keumeude, and in Java diseut kudu. This plant is commonly grown in Aceh on every home residents (though not all) because it is usually used as a salad ingredient or iftar menu typical of Aceh. But do you know that Noni can be Coronary Heart Drugs and help prevent coronary heart disease. It's easy enough noni juice and strain the juice water add a little honey and drink 2 times a day after meals.

5. Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera)

Natural Ways to Treat Cancer
aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been believed since ancient times as a beauty treatment and medication. Currently in Japan are developing research aloe vera as a Cancer Drugs. Nowadays so many ways to eat aloe vera as Cendol style Pontianak.

6. Fruit javanica (Brucea javanica)

Natural Ways to Treat Cervical Cancer
fruit Makasar

This plant has a very bitter and poisonous. However, when used properly and within their rumbuhan dose is able to be a cure for Diabetes Mellitus can lower blood sugar levels in the body.
Besides Fruit Napier also capable of being Cervical Cancer Drugs, How can the brew into a half cup and drink 2-3 times a day (Many stores that sell fruit Napier Herbal dry so you do not need to hard hard pounding or dry yourself).

7. Carambola (Averrhoa Carambola)

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

Sweet star fruit contains vitamin C, B, A, Protein, Calcium etc. Starfruit.
In addition to good taste is also capable of becoming a medicine for High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure Reducer. do not eat enough of star fruit every day after meals.

8. Wild Ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)

How to Prevent Liver Cancer Natural
Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger is a medicinal plant that contains Curcumin Indonesia useful as Anti-Inflammatory or Anti Poisoning Gall. Although ginger is not capable of being Liver Cancer Drugs, but ginger is able to prevent it because ginger is able to treat Hepatitis B which acts as a major factor Liver Cancer.

9. Leaves god (Gynura Divaricata)

Natural Ways to Treat Stroke
Daun Dewa

From the name aja kerenkan, Leaf god is believed to have many health benefits. Gods leaves contain essential oils, saponins etc. Bida god leaves used as medicine for Stroke Disease or Stroke Disease Prevention advent. Being able to also treat bruises and Lowering High Blood.

10. Distance (Ricinus communis)

How to Treat Hernia Natural

Commonly called Kaliki in West Java and Sumatra Dulang Kalek Dimadura. Distance memuliki benefit karnya as anti-rheumatic and calmed. In seeds sweet, spicy but neutral. Many seeds are used for Drugs CANCER Rahim, hernia, rheumatism, tuberculosis etc. But when you cultivate castor beans into your herbs should be - careful because if excessive drinking medicine will cause poisoning with traits - traits headache, vomiting and diarrhea, heat etc.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Blueberries Can Prevent Cancer and Diabetes?

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Blueberries have long been known to contain a powerful antioxidant called resveratrol. These antioxidants are not only healthy, but also can help prevent cancer. In addition to resveratrol, blueberries also menangudung other substances that can help reduce the amount of fat and reduce the risk of diabetes. Substance is called pterostilbene. This substance is one of the types of chemicals such as resveratrol are also found in other fruits such as cranberries and grapes. However, pterostilbene apparently still has not been studied.

Role pterostilbene Contained in Blueberry

Research on blueberries is done by the Carlos III Institute of Health and found that pterostilbene has a very small size and can penetrate the cell membrane of cancer cells. In addition, these substances can also cause the death of cancer cells. Pterostilbene known also can make the cancer cells became weaker with how to prevent it to generate energy.

The benefits of pterostilbene not only that. Recent research has shown that these substances can also prevent diabetes and obesity, as well as protect the heart. The researchers found that pterostilbene substances can increase fat oxidation in the liver and also reduce fat synthesis in tissues. This process will lead to a reduction in body fat.

Meanwhile, another study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition found the same thing where pterostilbene can help protect beta cells in the pancreas. This beta cell function and insulin control keeping it stable. That in turn will prevent insulin resistance that trigger type 2 diabetes.

Pterostilbene known also can prevent hardening of the arteries that can trigger a heart attack. In addition, these substances can also help improve the effectiveness of HIV drugs. However, until now it seems still rarely studied pterostilbene and need more experiments to determine the potential health problems.

Esophageal Flu? Try Consumption 5 Foods

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When the rainy season arrives, the condition of the body to be more at risk for various diseases attack. Diseases that often occur in the rainy season is a flu, where the disease is one disease that is contagious. Flu occurs due to a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, including the nose, throat, and lungs.

One of the effects of the flu is likely to weaken the power of the body. However, you do not have to worry about that because there are some simple ways you can do to rejuvenate your body.

Some of the foods that can fight the flu

As one of the easy ways you can fight the flu or a cold is to eat certain foods that can help build healthy cells in the body. What are these foods? Check out his review below.

Garlic has anti-microbial properties that can maintain immunity. In addition, garlic can also help expedite the respiratory tract. If you can not eat them directly, you can mix the garlic into your favorite dishes.

One of the best foods to boost the immune system is beef. Beef is a good source of iron, which plays an important role in the development of white blood cells, where these cells act maintain endurance. Research shows that iron deficiency can decrease immune function. In addition, the protein contained in beef are also able to support the body to build up antibodies and fight infection.

This super spice has a very high antioxidant content. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve inflammation. Eating turmeric can prevent even against the flu or a cold.

sweet potato
Sweet potatoes contain vitamin A which has an important role on the health of mucosal surfaces, including the gastrointestinal tract, the inside of the nose, and skin. Most people probably do not think if the infection can actually enter the body through the skin with ease. For information, the skin is also part of the immune system.

chicken soup
One meal is considered effective to relieve flu is chicken soup. In addition to easy to make, the food is also delicious to eat. The composition of the water in the soup can be absorbed by the body to help thin the mucus, which in turn is easy to remove. Chicken is present in the soup also has a high nutritional content and has anti-inflammatory effects on the body, so it can help reduce the swelling or inflammation of the sinuses and nasal tract.

So how do I know if someone is experiencing a shortage of magnesium?

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If lately you often feel fatigue or muscle cramps though suddenly had rested enough, it could be your body's magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium deficiency Causing Health Problems

magnesiumPara shortage experts say that it is very difficult to detect a lack of magnesium, and that's why these substances are labeled with the nickname "Invisible deficiency". The reason why hard undiagnosed due to a lack of magnesium can cause a variety of health problems that are similar to other diseases.

Dr. Danine Fruge of Florida, USA, said that magnesium is involved in about 300 biochemical processes of the body. This substance affects everything from muscle, heart, until the hormone.

So how do I know if someone is experiencing a shortage of magnesium?

There are three stages of magnesium deficiency, and one can experience a variety of symptoms based on its stages. Fatigue, nausea, and poor appetite are early symptoms that generally appear.

If the body is more severe magnesium deficiency, usually symptoms include cramps, tingling, numbness, and muscle reaction that appears instantly. This is due to deficiency can interfere with the normal functioning of nerves and muscles. At the worst level, lack of magnesium can cause abnormal heart rhythms, seizures, and behavioral changes.

Fruge revealed that foods with artificial sweeteners and carbonated beverages should be aware. This is because artificial sweeteners can lead to the kidneys to remove magnesium from the body, whereas soda can interfere with the absorption of nutrients. If you frequently consume both food and drink, there will likely be mild magnesium deficiency.

To prevent this, you are advised to eat foods such as spinach, fish, wheat, and beans. In addition, if needed, there is also a supplement that can be consumed even if Frudge reminded to be careful and not too much to eat them.

Frudge explained that the body has a mechanism to prevent an overdose of nutrients from food, but it is not valid if obtained from supplements. Too much intake of magnesium is also not good, and can cause cardiac arrhythmia risk. It can be fatal, especially for diabetics.

Legumes, Lower Cholesterol To Prevent Cancer

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Some people think that is a cool thing if he has a list of foods that should be avoided. For food packaging, this may be acceptable, but not for natural foods. The more varied natural foods that we consume even more good for health.

A naturopathic doctor, Alan Christianson, said that diet tend to overly restrict certain food ingredients can actually cause malnutrition, emotional stress, to make a weak digestive tract.

As one food group that is often avoided is nuts. They avoid citing fears of allergy and fat content is quite high. This is certainly not in line with the results from a number of studies showing that the nuts are very beneficial for health, ranging from lowering cholesterol, decrease appetite, increase energy, rich in antioxidants, lowers blood pressure, prevent aging, to prevent cancer. Here is an explanation of the details:

Some of the benefits of nuts

Prevent premature aging
Some types of nuts, including lentils and black beans are known to contain high resveratrol. Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound found in plants including beans, strawberries, eucalyptus, and wine. These compounds are very many benefits including slowing the aging, protect the heart, to prevent cancer.

Help lower blood pressure
Several studies have shown that intake of nuts can help lower the diastolic (bottom number) and systolic (top number) blood pressure significantly. The type of nuts studied consists of black beans, peas, nothern, navy, and pinto.

Rich in antioxidants
The greatest damage caused by free radicals can be observed from the skin, brain, and immune system. Foods that are high in antioxidants such as pomegranates, turmeric, green tea, and blueberries are known to prevent such damage. Nuts also contain unique antioxidants that can block an enzyme called α-glucosidase and pancreatic lipase, in which the enzyme can lead to weight gain and lead to diabetes. Aduki beans and green beans are a few among many nuts are rich in antioxidants.

preventing cancer
As explained earlier that the beans also contain resveratrol compounds and some other ingredients that can prevent cancer. Not only nuts that can reduce the risk of various types of cancer, but also extracts of nuts called IP6, according to research to be useful for the fight against cancer.

Helps lower cholesterol
Eating at least one serving of nuts per day is known to lower the bad cholesterol (LDL-C) dangerous. It is enough to lower the risk of heart disease by 25 percent.

Help you lose weight
In a recent study, 35 obese men were asked to do one of four different diets for 8 weeks, and one of them is the diet by eating nuts. Groups that apply a diet high in nuts are known to have improvements to health such as a drop in blood pressure, decreasing levels of cholesterol, reduced fat, and increased energy.

That's some of the benefits of nuts. Actually there are many more benefits, but some reviews over at least enough to make us know the importance of eating nuts. Hopefully this article useful.