Friday, 23 January 2015

How to Whiten Skin Naturally

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Tips on How to Whiten and Brighten Skin Body Naturally. Have white skin is the desire of all people in Indonesia, especially the women. Many ways in which to make your skin look bright and clean, ranging from the use of whitening soap, lotion whitening, whitening drugs, to the more extreme they do injecting bleach. Not only costs are expensive, but the risks posed by the use of chemical drugs would have adverse effects on health. Though how to whiten skin in a natural way, actually not so difficult, provided you know how.


How to Whiten Skin Naturally

Brighten skin can begin with limbs outside beforehand as the face, hands, and feet. This is because the body parts are more commonly seen when compared to the other limb. Many materials can be used, one of which is with yogurt.

Not only can whiten the skin, yogurt is also very useful to provide moisture to the skin. How to naturally whiten skin is also very easy, just use yogurt as a face mask. You can menambahakannya with honey, and let stand for about 10 minutes. After a bit tight, clean the face kult using clean water.

In addition to materials such as yogurt, how to brighten the skin can be done by using various fruits such as tomatoes and lemon. Using tomatoes for skin whitening can be done by softening tomatoes, can be in a blender or grated. After that mix 3 drops of lemon juice and rose water. Stir all of the ingredients and apply on the face and neck. Wait 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Skin Whitening Tips

Whiten the skin by using a little tomato takes when compared with tips whiten the skin with lemon. No different with tomatoes, lemon also contains vitamin C content of vitamin C that is lime is a natural lightening agent that can brighten the skin gradually.

At the beginning of the use, the pain will be felt, but you do not need to panic because it is natural. When used regularly, the pain will not arise again, and white skin you will get.

How to Whiten Skin Body

After whiten the face, the next step is to whiten the body so as not to look striped. How to whiten the skin this can be done by using avocado or a mixture of lemon juice and egg. This whitening cream can you make by mixing lime juice and egg white. Beat both the material and heat using a pan.

Wait a moment, so that the mixture looks solid. Wait until cool, and put the cream in the container. Apply the cream every time you want to bathe twice a day to brighten your skin. After 15 minutes you can take a shower, to clean up the remnants of the cream is used as a natural bleach earlier.

In addition to the above, using the yam to whiten the skin can also be done. It is no stranger to the fruit which has a white color is often used as an additive for skin whitening lotion.


How to Brighten Skin

Adopting from it, we can use the yam which has vitamins and calcium to whiten skin. grated yam and apply enough on the whole body for skin whitening. Wait a little bit dry and then rinse thoroughly.

Substances contained in this yam not only have a property to whiten skin, but a natural ingredient yam can also provide a cooling effect on the skin. especially if membalurkan grated yam is done after we are exposed to sunlight or coming home from the beach.

Well that was a way to brighten the skin in a natural way that you can follow. In addition to the material that is easy to can, very easy to use manner. The purchase price of the material is also not expensive, and we do not need to worry about the risk for long-term use. Therefore choose the natural way, although the results can not be seen instantly.


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